
About the program

Tel Aviv University has recently launched a new BioMed Technology Innovation program to increase biomedical technological breakthrough entrepreneurship projects for clinically un-met needs. BioMedTech@TAU reflects the University's vision of strengthening academic excellence and expanding interdisciplinary applied research toward medical device technological innovations.


The aim of the BioMedTech@TAU is to expose students to medical problems with un-met need and seek for device-based technological solutions (as opposed to pharmacologically-based).


How Does it work?

The program will include outstanding TAU undergraduate students from all faculties, who will be mentored by faculty members, physicians, and industry leaders with experience in commercializing medical technologies. Students participate in the BioMedTech program will have access to entrepreneurship courses provided by the Faculty of Management  at TAU.


During the process, clinicians who face the clinical need on a daily basis describe the problem to a group of multidisciplinary TAU students' and jointly with their academic mentors brainstorm to search for innovative technology aim to tackle the unmet need. The concepts raised by the students are checked for intellectual properties, engineering availabilities, and business and marketing potential. The leading, breakthrough technology is brought to the Program Committee to request for funding.


Participants in the BioMed Tech program will present their innovation to the BioMedTech Committee members and the winning team will receive a financial grant to build a prototype or conduct an initial proof-of-concept feasibility test. The projects of the non-winning teams will be accredited by each Faculty as equivalent to a final project required to complete their undergraduate degree.


Alongside with Academic Accreditation, the students gain an education in Entrepreneurial thinking and knowledge in the process of developping innovating medical technologies.





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